Atomic has new gear for the performance piste skier as well as a new Savor range for beginner and intermediate skiers. The Vantage X all-mountain range will be replaced for winter 19/20. The Backland touring boot gets an overhaul. Atomic Backland ski touring boot Atomic is making significant changes to Read more…

K2 Mindbender 130 ski boot

K2 19/20 UPDATE

K2 has a new freeride and all-mountain range of skis and boots for winter 19/20. There’s a new Anthem range for women, to replace the Luv skis and boots. Mindbender / Mindbender Alliance skis For winter 19/20, K2 has a new range of freeride skis, called Mindbender for men and Read more…

Salomon QST 99 front secion


SKIS Salomon has made construction changes to some of the QST freeride skis for winter 19/20 along with introducing a new range of wide body piste skis called S/Force. New S/Pro boots build on the S/Max boot technology. S/Force wide body piste skis The new S/Force range of skis for Read more…